Spare parts service directly from the manufacturer

Even high-quality materials and excellent workmanship can wear out after a long period of use. Technical components such as charging stations or remote controls (Goodnight Light) can get lost and original spare parts are required. Due to rapid model changes and changes to parts, spare parts are often difficult to obtain for many products - but not for our Smart&Green and Goodnight Light lights.

Our strategy – your advantage: modularity and sustainability

For many years, we have consistently relied on modular systems that enable components to be easily replaced. This is a central part of our sustainability concept and our commitment to excellent customer service. As the official representative of the brands, we can still offer you original spare parts years after your purchase. Some of our spare parts are technically further developed, but are always manufactured in the same shape and size so that they fit your lamp perfectly.

Easy installation for your lighting modules

In addition to the right spare part, easy replacement is also crucial. Here we show you how you can replace the light module in your Smart&Green light yourself:

Replacing the lighting module in Smart&Green luminaires

  1. **Loosen screws**: Loosen the 4 screws on BULBLITE lights or the 6 screws on BULB models.
  2. **Remove mounting ring and seal**: Remove the mounting ring and seal.
  3. **Remove module**: Remove the old light module.
  4. **Insert new module**: Insert the new module into the opening of the lamp.
  5. **Install seal and retaining ring**: Put the seal and retaining ring back in place.
  6. **Tighten screws**: Tighten the screws manually using a suitable screwdriver. Do not overtighten to avoid cracks in the plastic, which could affect the light's ability to float.

Tips for the exchange:

  1. **Easier screwing**: Push the screws through the ring and gasket first to hit the holes more easily and make the job easier.
  2. **Manual tightening**: Use a suitable screwdriver and tighten the screws firmly, but do not use maximum force to avoid damage.

Do you have any questions or need advice? Simply send us an email to We will be happy to help you!